Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Domino and the Midnight Bath

Justin and I were painting the hallway last night. To do so we took off the return vent so that we could properly paint. Taking precaution, we placed paper over the hole so that the cats would not be interested in exploring the underbelly of the house. While we were watching some TV last night I could hear some odd noises above our seats but I thought nothing of it. Once the TV was off we then noticed that these were not really normal noises and investigated. Domino had sneaked into the hole and had indeed ventured under the floor and above the ceiling... the dirtiest place in my house.
Justin was able to extract his sorry self and I gave him kitty treats for being so easy to catch. It wasn't until later, when Justin and I were reading in bed, that we noticed how completely filthy he was! I couldn't even recognize him!
So yes... we bathed our poor pathetic cat at 11:30 last night. Not only that, we had to blow dry him because otherwise he would have been sopping wet until morning. It was awful! And even today, being dry and very clean, he is still not happy with me and avoids the bathroom at all costs.
Tomorrow.... Tulip!