So there is this problem that comes from having a 7 o'clock class... it's at seven o'clock in the morning. All those who knows me know very well that I do not like mornings and that mornings do not agree with me. So I have found two solutions- the first is my husband and the second are the cute little creatures that I love, my cats. And this morning when the two cute creatures found themselves into my room they snuggled me back to sleep. And off went the morning.
Later when I woke up and found the cute things sleeping in my jammies with me I discovered that I slept through class.
Good thing that when my husband called he was able to wake all of us up. And now I've made another discovery, that although marriage is often referred to as teamwork, it's not only about helping with finances, getting each other motivated for a hard day or doing nice things for each other, it's about being an alarm clock for the weaker waker.
1 comment:
Weaker waker?
What a great phrase! That was my one fear of a 7 am class oh those many years ago. But, since I loved science so much...I had to take it early so that I could stay awake in it. Funny story.
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