Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Scrap room... again?

After a few weeks of enjoying the new and improved scrap space, there is a sudden change in plans that soon takes it all away from me. Justin and I bought a house. And while this is exciting and the changes are welcome, the absence of such a peaceful place will be felt. Not only that, but now, after so much work and effort into making that room a haven, I have to leave it, repaint it and turn it back into any other room in any other apartment. This leaves me with a dilemma.
Do I keep the sunny yellow and the happy warmth? OR do I move onto bolder color choices, mixing the red furniture with something daring like blue and chocolate brown?
And through all of this... I desperately want a new desk. How can I ruin this one while still retaining an air of innocence?

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